Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Haul: Makeup Geek Eyeshadows

I have been reading about Makeup Geek eyeshadows for months. I have been itching to test them out and compare them to my MAC shadows. I decided, what the hell? Why not take them for a spin! So. I went ahead and I picked up some shadows and a few pigments. I also picked up a Z Palette (lovelovelove).

I had to fight to get missy pants to share! So in total I have 9 eyeshadows and 3 loose pigments.

 So I decided I want to try not only the neutral colors as well as a couple of more daring colors. I wanted to see if the bolder colors were easy to blend and pigmented. 

 The first line from left to right is Beaches & Cream, Creme Brulee and Cinderella. These are very light and neutral shades. They are so buttery and rich. I am in love. 

The middle line is Hipster, Moondust and Pretentious. These are all a little grayish and very shimmery. They are very pretty and so far I love them when I am doing a smokey eye. 

The bottom line, OOOOEEEYYY, so bright. So from left to right we have Mango Tango, Razzleberry and Burlesque. Burlesque is the color I am most comfortable with. It is a really nice dark purple/plum color. Mango Tango is an orange/coral color. Razzleberry is the color I am most excited to test out. It is a crazy bright pink with gold flecks in it. Here is a close up of the more daring colors. 

I also picked up 3 loose pigments. I love pigments. I usually use a flat shadow brush with some MAC Fix+ to get the colors super pigmented, but these are already crazy pigmented. 

I really like these colors so far. I realized that I picked mostly colors on the more copper side. I feel like it brings out my eyes. Here are two of the colors. 

These were the textures right after opening them. The one on the right went everywhere. Seriously, I have it all over my beautiful white desk! It was bound to be something, makeup or baby related, that messed it up. I'm sure it will be both soon enough!

I'm not going to go super in depth about all of the colors until I do my review. I need some time to play around with them and get some looks going. I did test out one of the pigments on my date night. I used Blitz and this was the result. 

I look a little crazy, and a little drunk. I swear I wasn't! This was after roughly half of Anthony's Red's Apple Ale. I'm a bit of a light weight, that's what happens after you have a baby.

Alright.. slightly less crazy looking. I'm getting there. My photography skills are getting a little better, but I still need a little work. Tips are always welcomed!!! 

Don't forget! You can follow me on Instagram and Twitter @puttheglossdown.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Haute Haul: Pixi and a little bit of POP

So one of my absolute favorite sites for online shopping is Hautelook. It is one of the best places for a great deal on designer duds and cosmetics. I absolutely love it when they have great sales. A few months ago I was able to purchase a ton of Mario Badescu skin care items for a steal. A few weeks ago I ordered a bunch of stuff from Pixi and Pop.

I was super curious about these products and I found a palette that was on clearance at Target.

This is one of my favorite palettes so I thought "Hmmmmmmmm Lets get all the stuffs". So. I bought a bunch of the palettes that were on Hautelook.

So this cube is the Eye Glow Cube in Lucent Lid Light. It is a ton of shimmery shades with a couple of more satin finishes. So far, I like it. I'm not sure if I love it, but I'm going to keep playing with it. 

So this one is the Soft Focus Fresh Palette.

The packaging is unnecessarily large. I think it would have been better to put less space between the colors and make it a little bit more compact because no one wants to carry a palette the size of their face. The only exception is if it has everything, like the Smashbox Master Class palettes.

These colors are more matte/satin and there are lip/cheek colors at the bottom. So far, I really like the colors but some of them are a tiny bit chalky. I really love the range of lip colors though. I feel like you can do a lot with what you have here.

This is the Pixi Icy Eye palette. I haven't played too much with this yet, but there does seem to be a lot of fall out with the colors.

This Pixi Succulent Lip Twin is a lip/cheek color. It's a really pretty pinkish color that I really like. It applies like one of the EOS balms.

These were the only POP products that I got. It was a lip balm and a nail polish. I am really excited about the nail polish color. I can't wait to see how it applies. 

I'm really excited about all of these new products. I really enjoyed the first palette I purchased. Have any of you tried out these products? Thanks to the great deal on Hautelook I don't feel bad about testing these out.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Lip Chubbys!!! Chubby Chubby Chub Chubs.

So what I realized, while cleaning up my makeup area, is that I have a ton of chubby lippys. I absolutely love them. As a mom, lipstick is typically something I pass on. I will do my whole face and then throw on some balm because it is lower maintenance than a lipstick.

With all of these amazing colors and textures I don't typically miss the lipstick/gloss. I still like to wear those on a special occasion, but for every day wear these are much better.

Here are the Neutrogena MoistureSmooth color sticks. I have these in four shades. From darkest to lightest (top to bottom in the picture) the shades are Rich Raisin, Bright Berry, Sweet Watermelon and Juicy Peach.

I wasn't super impressed with these. I was hoping they would be super moisturizing on my lips but I found the texture to be almost grainy. The lighter colors also stick to any dryness or cracks that are in your lips. The only shade that I really liked was the plum Rich Raisin. It wasn't as opaque as I would want, but for every day wear it is still nice.

The new L'oreal Glossy Balm lip chubbies are a whole lotta color. The texture is kind of greasy, but they are very pigmented. I absolutely love the colors. The plum is Petite Plum and that pretty Coral color is Innocent Coral.

I really enjoy these. They aren't very long lasting, but honestly I give so many baby kisses nothing really lasts on my lips.

This is the Revlon ColorBurst. This is my go to lippy around the holidays. It's super pigmented and it smells like peppermint. Delicious!

It's a little drying on the lips, but nothing too terrible.

Ok.. So these were a totally random purchase. I've never been a big Burt's Bees person. One time I tried on their chapstick and I was smelling honey for hours. It was gross. These however, are my absolutely favorite lippies.

These are both so amazing. I love that they aren't shiny at all. There is no glitter or wetness to them. These swatches aren't the best, the dark one is more of a berry/wine color. They make your smile look bright and your skin look flawless. The darker color is Napa Vineyard and the lighter one is Niagra Overlook.These make me want to try more Burt's Bees products. Does anyone have any feedback about their other stuffs?

Edit: Here is a picture of me in Napa Vineyard, which is the darker color.

So, the last one I want to talk about isn't a drugstore brand. It's by Lord & Berry and I. AM. OBSESSED.

I got this is an Ipsy bag or a Birch Box, I can't remember which, and I adore it. This is a gorgeous Scarlett red. It is perfection. I am always in search of that perfect red lip, and this was it.

So. I am in the process of finishing up my Pixi haul  and my Makeup Geek haul. I might have also gone to Ulta today and got some new goodies... To those who say I have a problem, I will make this face.

That's right. My "pshhhhh, you guys are craaaazzzzyyyyy" face. She gets that from me. 

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Drugstore Haul!

I absolutely love my trips to the drugstore. I can score some amazing deals thanks to coupons and different sales that are going on. This isn't one big haul, it's actually a few different trips over the last 2 weeks. I literally have a bucket of new stuff sitting on my desk that I have been waiting to do a haul on.

So lets start with the best deals that I found! So these Revlon Singles are great! Walgreens prices them at $3.29.

There was a $1.00 off Walgreens coupon. This brought them down to $2.29. Now, here is the great part! I found these coupons online for $2.00 off of any Revlon eye product.

I found these Here. Remember, you can print 2 per computer, being married to a computer engineer certainly helps me get these coupons. The one fault to my plan was I had to use each coupon separately and I bought over 20. Remember to always be nice to the people who work at the drug/grocery store. A little bit of kindness goes a long way, especially when it comes to someone going out of their way to help you save money. I love, love, love Sarah and Tiffany (my Walgreens ladies!).

So. The price I paid on each of the shadows came to $.29 and tax. This was a steal!

So these were also a great deal. I had a coupon that was buy one, get one free on any simple product. Walgreens had a sale that was buy one get one 50% off. You also received 3,000 points ($3.00) off your next purchase. So with the coupon I ended up paying about $1.00 a package. I ended up going back and purchasing about 6 more.

I was so excited to try out these Revlon products. The Revlon Kajal eyeliner was something I was super excited to try out. I bought another mascara, but I already cracked into it.

Once again I went searching for the good nail polish deals!

I would say... I made out like a bandit. The Wet n Wild polishes were dirt cheap. They were 40% off and I had a $1.00 off coupon. That made them about $.20 each.

The Revlon polishes are so great. I actually really enjoy Revlon polishes and I have been dying to try out the Revlon Parfumerie polishes. I will be posting a review on all of these polishes. Well, not all of them obviously, but I'm going to try a couple from each brand!

Here is the breakdown on these polishes. They were $5.99 and the sale that week was buy one get one 50% off. I also had $3.00 off Revlon polishes making the Parfumerie polishes $1.50. The other polishes were on clearance at target and I got them for about the same price.

I picked these up from Target on clearance. I am finishing up my Pixi-POP haul right now. Those were bought online, not at target.

I am so stinking excited to have these polishes. I really like L'oreal polishes, and these glitters are so beautiful. I am also digging the pretty pops of color. I'll be honest, I totally cracked into a couple of these and so far I am totally digging them.

New lippies!!! Wooo!!! Alright, so I got the Wet 'n Wild ones for about $.50 a piece. The only color I have tried is that dark plum color and it was not my best look. The L'oreal Glossy Balm is wonderful. I really love the plum color on my skin tone.

These were the only product that I purchased at full price. Look at them.. How could I resist? I have been so good, sometimes I deserve to splurge on a full priced item!!! 

Baby Update: 19 Weeks

It has been such a crazy week for me already! I can't believe I haven't been able to post in so long. Finding the will to do my makeup has been challenging. I feel like parenthood has phases for me, sometimes I feel like getting dressed up, sometimes I want to wear sweats. I did manage to get dressed up for date night with the hubs though.

Just in case anyone is wondering, the lippy I'm wearing is the new L'oreal Glossy Balm in Petite Plum. I am seriously loving the new chubby lip pencils trend that's been going around the last few months.

So my little YumYum turned 19 weeks on Sunday. She is seriously the cutest little thing. This has been such an exciting week for us!

This week she officially rolled. She first rolled on to her stomach. She didn't like that very much, so she promptly rolled right on to her back again.

She has since decided that rolling around is super fun. If this is any indication, she is going to be unstoppable when she decides to crawl.

There are definitely a lot more challenges now than when I first had her. When she is awake, she definitely demands your attention. She requires more interaction and stimulation. When I first had her, she was kind of a blob. I really like this phase. She is more of a handful but she is so much fun.

She is showing an interest in toys for the first time. She will reach for her favorites and play with them. When we put her in her little chair/ play area, she will actually play with the toys.

Play dates are also the best. Madeline's bestie is about a month younger than her. It is so cool to see them together. They don't interact with each other yet, but Madeline acknowledges that there is another baby there. 

It's great to see her start to develop relationships with people other than Anthony and I. Madeline seriously loves her Aunti and Uncle (or unks as I've taken to calling him, because I can......)

Helping Uncle Mase in the kitchen

Her bow matches Auntie Summers shirt

I absolutely love play dates. You can put the babies on the play mat and talk with real, live adults. It's magical. I never realized how much I would miss adult interaction. It is pretty sweet to make a baby sandwich though.

Terrible picture of me, but the babies were wearing matching bows and Auggie was looking right at me. I love when babies look you. They are so expressive and they make the silliest faces. Sometimes Madeline just looks at me and laughs. Probably because I am hilarious.

We also went to lunch with this guy. 

We had a pretty good time. If you live in AZ, and maybe NM, you should check out Rudy's. They have the most amazing BBQ. Their banana pudding is also TO DIE FOR. So much yum. 

So this week I decided to get rid of Madeline's clothes that are too small for her. I donated some and put the rest into a bin for the next baby. It was quite possibly one of the saddest moments so far. I know that she has gotten bigger, but until you hold up her tiny new born onesie against her new 6 mo onesie.. you forget. I love that she is getting bigger, but it is starting to fly by. 

The baby is rockin' and rollin'. I did also just notice that I titled this "Baby Update" and the first thing you see is a big ole pick of ME. Whoopsies! This should make up for it. 

BOOM. The baby/bunny hybrid is back. These are my favorite PJ's for her. I need to find more baby clothing with ears. So there you have it, my weekly update. My next post will be a review and swatches of my much anticipated Makeup Geek package that I received. 

Little Miss missy pants needs to share! Have a great week everyone!