Thursday, May 29, 2014

First Time with Falsies!

Hello all! Today I decided it was a perfect time to attempt fake lashes. I would make a crack about not trying this at home kids... but you should try it at home. They are wonderful! I have been really wanting to wear fake lashes, but they seemed way too high maintenance for me. Ultimately I decided to embrace my high maintenance ways and OH.MY.GOD. I have been missing out. I love them. Sweet sweet false lashes.

*** Sorry about the watery, red eyes. I do not have the best aim and the glue is very sticky.

This was the final look. I was pretty sure the lashes would look much longer than they did so I did a thick liquid eyeliner. I quickly realized they weren't quite long or full enough to compete with the heavy eye liner. I guess the lady at Ulta was right, they are pretty subtle. Next time I'm going for full on crazy lashes.

These are the lashes I purchased. 

I used the Kiss lashes today. I will try the Ardell lashes in a couple of days. I will also probably go and purchase the biggest, baddest lashes I can find. Makeup is all about having fun and not being afraid to try new things.

Speaking of fun, I was having a hard time figuring out how to best capture the lashes in their full glory. Obviously the first thing that came to mind was trying to open my eyes as wide as possible. The creepy smile was a lovely coincidence. We all know what huge eyes and a weird smile equal.

Yep. That's right folks. Crazy eyes.

Madeline gets it...

Tomorrow I get my new shipment of cloth diapers in. I'm very excited to take pictures and put them on the blog. I am also in the process of testing out a TON of new nail polishes. I have enlisted the help of my friends, so I should be able to get that up soon as well!!! Have a great weekend everyone.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Drugstore Haul!!!

Happy Memorial Day everyone! At least.. It's memorial day when I am writing this. Who knows how long it will take me to get this done with a two month old!

V is for Victorious drugstore haul!

So. Today I went to Walgreens, CVS and then back to Walgreens. I did a massive haul because there were some pretty decent sales, and I had some wonderful coupons. Overall I saved over 50% on my purchases through savvy couponing and having an eye for discounts! If you don't pick up the Sunday paper, you should! It is worth it's weight in gold. I purchase multiple papers so that way I get to use several coupons to purchase multiple of the same item.

My biggest purchase during this shopping spree was nail polish. The seasonal sales for nail polish are amazing. I was also able to save big on sunscreen. I'm going to go ahead and do a break down of my biggest savings. Unfortunately it would take too long to go over every deal. Very soon I will have  a post dedicated to couponing.

Here is the grand total picture of what I purchased:

I used a mixture of coupons and sale prices. Walgreens also has a little coupon book that comes out every month with extra coupons. That is especially wonderful because they allow you to use the manufacturers coupon from the paper WITH their coupon. CVS has a loyalty card that you can swipe every week and it will give you new exciting coupons. Drugstores also tend to run plenty of sales on their products. They range from buy one get one 50% off to a flat 40% off. Use those coupons in conjunction with a sale and you can strike makeup gold.

Coupons from the Sunday paper

In store coupons from Walgreens

Sweet, Sweet Sales

So! On to the exciting part.. the breakdown of what I bought. Lets start with nail polishes.

In total I bought 19 nail polishes. All together these were less than a dollar a piece when you average it out. Let's use the Rimmel nail polish for example.

The price of Rimmel nail polish is 1.69. They had a sale for buy one get one 50% off. For two polishes it comes to about $1.50. From the Sunday paper I had a coupon that took $1.00 off each nail polish. If we do the math that comes to a whopping $.25 for each of the nail polishes.

*** Always look for clearance items as well! Coupons work on full price or clearance items. Plenty of times they will take the same color and put rebrand it with new packaging.

Sunscreen is incredibly important here in Arizona. Temperatures are steadily climbing above 100 degrees right now and the sun can be brutal. Sunscreen is also incredibly expensive. The Hawaiian Tropic and Banana Boat were buy one, get one free. I also had a $2.00 off of each coupon. I spent a whopping 3.95 on each one.

 Wet n Wild is one of my favorite brands! The color pay off for their blushes is insane, I love their lip products and their eye shadows are phenomenal. My favorite thing about Wet n Wild? I hardly ever pay for it! Walgreens had a sale for 40% off. I also had a $1.00 of coupon. Since most of their products are less than $3.00 that equals HUGE savings.

In total I purchased over 50 Items and I spent under $100. My wonderful husband told me that he no longer has to ask me how much I spent, all he has to do is check my blog. Honestly, he is thrilled that I am writing this blog so I will quit bugging him about makeup. Maybe he will start a blog about power tools and software stuffs...

And now for some baby spam.....

Get it gurl

Saturday, May 24, 2014


Hello everyone! My name is Stephanie Lynn. I currently live in Phoenix with my husband Anthony and my brand new baby Madeline. I am a first time mom and I can honestly say I have never had such an intensely rewarding job. I find that motherhood has completely shifted my priorities and made me reconsider certain aspects of my life. I have always loved makeup. I find it to be very relaxing to sit down and decide how I want to look. I love the versatility of makeup. I am a makeup junky. The "put the lip gloss down and go to rehab" type junkie. There is no 12 step program for me... Thankfully I have friends that love makeup and a husband with an infinite amount of patience.

One thing I have found during my journey through motherhood is that you do not have the same amount of free time. I may love doing my makeup, but I certainly don't want to wake up before my baby so I can do it. This was the whole purpose of my blog. I wanted to share my tips and tricks for how I've adjusted my makeup routine. This is also a great place for me to discuss different beauty tricks that save time and money. I use tons of different ways to afford my makeup habit including, but not limited to couponing. This is also a place for me to go over all of the lifestyle adjustments that I am making. The different things I'm trying out with my daughter and my family. They say the first child is always the guinea pig.

Me and Madeline 

Since this is my first blog post I want to go ahead and share where my obsession with makeup came. I used to always be the chubby kid with dirk on her face wearing dingy overalls. I used to make mud pies and run around the small town I lived in growing up. I was the quintessential tomboy. When I moved to Phoenix I saw a ton of beautifully tan women with pale blonde hair and flawless makeup. My hair was unmanageable, my skin was too pale and my hair was nowhere near blonde. Over the years I learned how to manage my hair, work on my skin and accept (for the most part) that I would never be blonde. I learned to love my hair, enjoy having porcelain skin and move on with my dark haired self. I no longer use makeup to cover flaws, but to enhance my features. Makeup can make me feel sexy and confident.

I am not tall, thin and blonde. I am wonderful just the way I am, and I hope that anyone reading this blog knows that you are flawless. No amount of makeup can make you more wonderful than you already are.

I think for this blog I will break it up into sections. I will do makeup and beauty tutorials and reviews. I will also discuss different things I do that define my lifestyle. I will also be posting a boatload of pictures of my baby girl. She is absolutely wonderful and I am obsessed.

That face....
So... It is now well past my bedtime so I will leave you with that wonderful picture. I am going to jump right in with my next post and do a review and possibly a tutorial. Have a wonderful evening/afternoon/morning.