Sunday, May 17, 2015

Busy Busy Busy

Hi everyone! So we are in the middle of the biggest move ever. Well, that might be a little dramatic. Technically we are only moving 10 minutes away from our old house. This is, however, the first time we are moving with a baby. Holy crap this kid has a lot of stuff!

Laundry is so backed up with the move. Unfortunately I haven't been able to cloth diaper for the last 2 weeks. We have been using The Honest Company diapers. I will say the designs are super cute, but I can't freaking wait to get back to Cloth. Hopefully we will be back in them by the end of this week.

When we bought the house we noticed there was a small tree. I wasn't sure what it was and gardening isn't my thing. I noticed a week ago that it was starting to sprout small fruit. Well!! I have a pomegranate tree! Look at how cute these are.

I have no idea how to keep them alive and healthy but I promised myself I would research it this week. Every once in a while I wander to the back yard with a glass of water and I toss it into the roots. Pretty sure a certain best friend will be rolling her eyes and laughing at this! It also rained a couple days ago and it was beautiful.

She kept staring at the window and at some point tried to walk through the glass sliding door.

I still think she has the most beautiful, soulful eyes I have ever seen.

Still no consistent walking. She will take steps occasionally but it's not something she's really interested in. She pulls herself up to standing but doesn't tend to take a step.

My heart melts every time I see Anthony and Madeline. She has such a wonderful bond with her daddy. Probably because he is the fun one.

I'm so ready to get unpacked and start playing with Makeup again.

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