The nail decals.... so not for me. I know this isn't going to win me popularity points but hear me out. They would be perfect for someone who doesn't have a child. There is no way that I could wear them on a regular basis.
My first issue was the length of time it took to apply them. As my sister Naomi said, it becomes tedious right around your fourth finger. Now I only have a short amount of time to get my nails taken care of. Here are pictures of all of the steps it took.
Normally I can paint my nails and spray the crap out of them with the quick spray stuff. My nails can typically be done during one of her naps. These took longer, probably because of the learning curve, and I wasn't happy with the end product. Which brings me on to the second point.
They didn't fit my nails correctly. I have really long and slightly curved nail beds. I watched the youtube video saying that you need to pull it a certain way to stop it from getting bumpy. That did not work.
They looked super cute on my little sister who has shorter, flatter nail beds.
My third issue is that it takes a couple days for them to look their best. I was talking to a friend to does the Jamberry thing and she mentioned that you want to do them a couple days before a big event. I don't have that kind of time to wait.
I can say that things would probably be different if I had the time to keep trying them out. The designs are amazing. There are designs for EVERYONE. They are beautiful and edgy and wonderful. I'm sure that I will try these out again, I just have to wait until I have more time to get it right. That's kind of a lie. I'm on the site right now looking at more patterns... They are so pretty.
The nail polish is AMAZING. I got the Jamberry Polish in the color Mulberry. It's a rich purple/berry color. It goes on beautifully without any streaking. It also lasts a long time which is AMAZING considering that I put my hands through hell on a regular basis. I honesty can't wait to get more of these. The colors are so beautiful and I love the formula.
So here is my disclaimer. I was sent these as a sample by a Jamberry representative/seller. She (very generously) supplied me with everything I could possibly need test these out. Here is her link for her Jamberry site. Feel free to show her some love and pick up any stuffs that you might need!